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Detailed Sitemap All images © by Roberto Piperno, owner of the domain. Write to romapip@quipo.it. Text edited by Rosamie Moore. Page added in February 2013.
- Mandalay (Inle Lake)
You may wish to read an introductory page to this section first. Mandalay was founded in 1857 and in 1861 it became the capital of the main Burmese kingdom. It is situated in the upper valley of the Irrawaddy, the main river of the country, not far from other locations where the kings set their residence.
In 1885 it was conquered by the British who moved the capital to Rangoon in the south of the country. Wikipedia's entry for this city - it opens in a separate window.
Walls which surrounded the Royal Palace enclosure
Shwendandaw Monastery (built with panels from a pavilion of the Royal Palace)
Shwendandaw Monastery - details of the panels (another detail can be seen in the image used as background for this page)
Monks near and at Shwendandaw Monastery
Kuthodaw Pagoda - a copy of Shwezigon Pagoda at Bagan
Mahamuni Pagoda - Believers applying gold leaf to a very ancient statue
Mahamuni Pagoda - Bronze statues from Angkor Vat
Mahamuni Pagoda - Bronze statues from Angkor Vat
Excursion to Mingun - Mandalay's River Harbour (Wikipedia's entry for this location - it opens in a separate window)
Excursion to Mingun - life on the western bank of the river
Excursion to Mingun - Modern pagodas near Mingun
Excursion to Mingun - Overall view of Mingun
Excursion to Mingun - Mingun Pagoda (1790-1819 - never completed)
Excursion to Mingun: (left) Mingun Bell; (right) Pondaw Pagoda, a small scale copy of Mingun Pagoda
Excursion to Mingun - Hsinbyume Pagoda and one of its warden lions (1816)
Monastery of Maha Ganayon Kyaung (near Amarapura - Wikipedia's entry for this town - it opens in a separate window) - Meal distribution
Monastery of Maha Ganayon Kyaung: (left) cooks; (right) dyers
U Bein's Bridge (near the monastery) and a fisherman
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Introductory page
Inle Lake
Inle Lake - Phaung Daw U Pagoda Festival
Yangon (Rangoon)

SEE THESE OTHER EXHIBITIONS (for a full list see my detailed index).