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Detailed Sitemap All images © by Roberto Piperno, owner of the domain. Write to romapip@quipo.it. Text edited by Rosamie Moore. Page added in February 2013.
- Bagan - Some Large Pagodas (Inle Lake)
Myanmar's authorities and tour operators regard Bagan as a location which could attract as many foreign visitors as Angkor Vat in Cambodia does. It could happen because the view of the 2000 pagodas of Bagan is impressive, but some visitors may not be pleased by discovering that many of them are modern reconstructions and that others have been repainted and gilded too much. In a November 2012 tour of the country organized by Kipling Tours the focus of the local guide was
on leading the group to shopping centres, factories, "museums" (which were just shops), money changers and other business enterprises.
There was no time for visiting some important pagodas such as Gawdawpalin and Dhammyangyi.
You may wish to read Wikipedia's entry for Bagan - it opens in a separate page.
View from Dhammayazika Pagoda which for its location at the south-eastern end of the plain of Bagan enjoys commanding views over many other pagodas: (upper left corner) Gawdawpalin Pagoda (1235)
(Wikipedia's entry); (upper right corner) Dhammyangyi Pagoda (1170) (Wikipedia's entry); (below) view westwards of Dhammayazika Pagoda (towards the mountains behind the Irrawaddy, the main river of the country)
One of the four temples of Dhammayazika Pagoda (1196) and details of its decoration
Dhammayazika Pagoda: details
Dhammayazika Pagoda: tiles depicting episodes of the life of Buddha
Ananda Pagoda (1105) (Wikipedia's entry)
Ananda Pagoda: large statues of Buddha in the four chapels of the complex (you may wish to read Wikipedia's entry on the meaning of Bhudda's positions)
Ananda Pagoda: (left) one of the corridors; (right) a reclining Buddha
Ananda Pagoda: paintings
Ananda Pagoda: tiles
Shwezigon Pagoda (1102) (Wikipedia's entry)
Shwezigon Pagoda: statues of Buddha
Shwezigon Pagoda: nats, traditional Burmese deities (Wikipedia's entry)
Shwezigon Pagoda: details The image used as background for this page shows a statue at Ananda Pagoda.
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Inle Lake
Inle Lake - Phaung Daw U Pagoda Festival
Yangon (Rangoon)

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