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Detailed Sitemap All images © by Roberto Piperno, owner of the domain. Write to romapip@quipo.it. Text edited by Rosamie Moore.
Filippo Juvarra's Drawings - The coat of arms of Pope Innocent X in S. Andrea al Quirinale by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Filippo Juvarra could not miss the very innovative coat of arms that Gian Lorenzo Bernini
created for his masterpiece: S. Andrea al Quirinale.
In the background of this page a preliminary drawing by Filippo Juvarra.
Plate 1: Michelangelo Buonarroti - Porta Pia - Coat of arms of Pius IV
Plate 2: Michelangelo Buonarroti - Statue of Marco Aurelio - Coat of arms of Rome
Plate 3: Donato Bramante - Palazzo della Cancelleria - Coat of arms of Leo X (lost)
Plate 4: Michelangelo Buonarroti - Palazzo Farnese - Coat of arms of Paul III
Plate 5: Domenico Fontana - Mostra dell'Acqua Felice - Coat of arms of Sixtus V
Plate 7: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Alexander VII in the Chair of St Peter
Plate 8: Francesco Borromini - Palazzo Barberini - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plate 9: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Propaganda Fide College - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plates 10 and 26: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Colonnade of St Peter's Square - Coats of arms of Alexander VII
Plate 13: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - S. Andrea al Quirinale - Coat of arms of Innocent X
Plates 15 and 18: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Fountain of the Four Rivers - Coats of arms of Innocent X
Plate 16: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Statue of the Veronica in St Peter's - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plate 17: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Alexander VII
Plate 20: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Canopy of St Peter's - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plate 24: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Fountain at the Spanish Steps - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plates 27, 30 and 31: Francesco Borromini - St. John in Lateran - Coat of arms of Innocent X
Plate 28: Francesco Borromini - Church in the Propaganda Fide Palace - Coat of arms of Alexander VII
Plate 32: Pietro da Cortona - St. Luca - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plate 33: Alessandro Algardi - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Leo XI
Plate 34: Alessandro Algardi - St. Nicola da Tolentino - Coat of arms of Innocent X (family coat of arms)
Plate 36: Carlo Fontana - Piazza di S. Maria in Trastevere - Coat of arms of Innocent XII
Plate 37: Francesco Fontana - Cortile della Pigna - Coat of arms of Clement XI
Plate 39: Francesco Fontana - Chiesa de' SS. Apostoli - Coat of arms of Clement XI
Plate 43: Carlo Maratti - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Innocent XI
Plate 44: Martino Lunghi - Borghese Palace - Coat of arms of Paul V
Plate 46: Carlo Rainaldi - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Innocent X
Plate 48: Angelo Rossi - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Alexander VIII
Note: Plate 41: unknown author - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Gregory XIII (lost) can be seen in a page devoted to this pope.