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All images © by Roberto Piperno, owner of the domain. Write to romapip@quipo.it. Text edited by Rosamie Moore.
Page revised in December 2010.

Baroque Rome in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
Sulle magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna

Book 3 - Le Basiliche e chiese antiche di Roma (The Basilicas and the old churches* of Rome)

Allegory of the Roman Catholic Church, a small etching in the opening page of Book 3 with a quotation from Matthew 16:18 "and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (King James Bible)

Plate 41 - Basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano (A/4)(**)
Plate 42 - S. Pietro in Carcere (H/7)
Plate 43 - S. Paolo alle Tre Fontane (O.o.m.)
Plate 44 - S. Maria in Via Lata (G/5)
Plate 45 - S. Pietro in Vinculis (J/7)
Plate 46 - Basilica di S. Giovanni in Laterano (L/9) (**)
Plate 47 - Basilica di S. Croce in Gerusalemme (N/8)(**)
Plate 47 ii - Basilica di S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura (O.o.m.)(**)
Plate 48 - Basilica di S. Maria Maggiore (K/6) (**)
Plate 49 - S. Eusebio (L/6)
Plate 49 ii - Ruine del Tempio di Ercole Callaico (M/7)
Plate 50 - SS. Pietro e Marcellino (L/8)
Plate 50 ii - Ruine dell’antico Tempio dei SS. Pietro e Marcellino (O.o.m.)
Plate 51 - S. Clemente (K/8)
Plate 52 - S. Maria in Dominica (J/10)
Plate 53 - SS. Giovanni e Paolo (I/9)
Plate 53 ii - Tempio antico di Pallade (S. Maria in Macello Martyrum) (H/7)
Plate 54 - S. Maria Liberatrice (H/8)
Plate 55 - S. Giorgio in Velabro (G/8)
Plate 56 - S. Maria in Cosmedin (G/9)
Plate 57 - S. Sabba Abate (H/12)
Plate 57 ii - S. Prisca (H/10)
Plate 58 - SS. Nereo e Achilleo (J/11)
Plate 59 - S. Cesareo in Palazio (J/12)
Plate 59 ii - Basilica di S. Sebastiano (O.o.m.) (**)
Plate 60 - S. Maria in Trastevere (E/8)

(**) one of the seven Basilicas: the seventh basilica is S. Paolo fuori le Mura
(the combination of letter/number shown next to each plate refers to the clickable map of 1912 Rome here below. O.o.m.=out of map; see the map in Book 5)

Clickable map which shows also (in black) the plates of Book 4 - The Palaces of Rome

(*) to see a list of some 400 churches of Rome click here

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