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Loredana Campo - 12/24/00 21:38:58
My Email:angde@libero.it
| Comments:
Siamo tutti insieme quattro tuoi nipoti Baresi a festeggiare il Natale insieme ai rispettivi mariti e figli Un grande augurone anche a te ed a tutta la famiglia. Loredana, Mariella, Patrizia, Roberta.
ELIOT R. GARIBALDI - 12/19/00 20:19:59
My URL:http://CORSO
My Email:NONE
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Lynette Cornog - 12/09/00 18:37:54
My Email:lanara_27
| Comments:
Great Work!
Thanks for the images and knowledge; it was nice seeing 'home' again.
Roberto Ciampoli - 11/26/00 15:01:31
My Email:ciampoli@tin.it
Preferred picture: Palazzo Corsini
| Comments:
Thanks you. You help people like me to find new enthusiasm discoverieng hidden aspects of my very first love: Rome
Danny Wong - 11/18/00 15:36:41
| Comments:
Awesome Site!
Mandee - 11/02/00 23:11:13
My Email:cutekiss@excite.com
| Comments:
Thank you for having the article on "Pasquino." I had a report to do on four things in Italy and I found this and it was pretty difficult to find info. on this. But it is very humorus and I enjoyed your article alot.
maurice owen - 10/25/00 17:03:42
| Comments:
many thanks
Richard Textor - 10/19/00 21:04:55
My Email:rjtextor@erols.com
| Comments:
Thank you for your information on my etching.
Richard Textor
Patricia Moran - 09/29/00 18:29:26
My Email:PalLou68@aol.com
Preferred picture: All of them
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- 08/30/00 18:06:20
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peter lussenheide - 07/07/00 00:06:47
My Email:chronosroma@libero.it
| Comments:
non è possibile di visualizzare gli immagini
peter lussenheide
Nestor Sander - 04/23/00 04:27:45
My URL:http://home.inreach.com/rotsen/
My Email:rotsen@inreach.com
Preferred picture: Etchings of Piazza Navona
| Comments:
You derserve the highest praise for assembling
the great number of old and recent illustrations
of much of Rome's heritage.
N. J. Sander D. S
James Hirschfeld - 04/21/00 11:54:05
My Email:jwph@sussex.ac.uk
| Comments:
I was very pleased to find your website to give me more information on Vasi's view, as I have just bought a copy of each of the 12 panels!
Edward McDonagh - 03/19/00 03:05:11
My Email:emcdonagh@home.com
| Comments:
I acquired two large Vasi etchings some years ago. One shows the interior of S. Pietro, the other is of Piazza S. Pietro itself. I understand there is
one more view of S. Pietro in that series. I rarely find any infomation regarding Vasi, so I thank you for your efforts.
Paolo Rennis - 03/07/00 18:20:09
Preferred picture: dinner
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